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Writer's picture: mikelvolearymikelvoleary

I'm usually not going to post anything on the weekend, but this topic jumped into my head today. Our neighborhood is trying to get to know each other better, so we just started doing our monthly get-togethers for whoever wants to show up. Today's was Donuts on the Driveway. I was talking with a neighbor this morning and he said that he heard of the town where I was from and he said he was a senior at the school and on the football team that my school played in 1982 for the state championship in football. I was a sophomore then. We ended up winning the game 6-0. It was a cold, wet, miserable day, made bearable only because we won. He said it was the worst day of his life at that point. Their team was supposed to win, they were picked to win, they knew they were GOING to win! It's interesting how one person can view that and be thrilled and someone else is heartbroken by it. I also remember my cousin making it to state in basketball. A friend of his will still watch videos of the game and think that this time, they'll win, but it never happens. My cousin and his high school teammates still remember that bittersweet day, but the ones who won have a different perspective. Even going back to 1957 when my dad's high school basketball team won state, they still remember the good times while I'm sure the team they played against remember that day differently.

It's funny how we can view the exact same happenings as someone else, but we each have our own version of it in our mind. Somebody can make an innocent statement, not mean anything by it, but we can take it in a different way and blow everything about it out of proportion. So am I right in my viewpoint, or is the person with a different viewpoint right? I think the bad thing about social media is we hide behind our computer screen, posting what we believe in and get angry when another disagrees with us. Political dialog, anyone?! If we were face to face with someone, especially a friend who's viewpoint is different, would we attack them like we do from the comfort of our chair behind the computer screen? I'm guilty of it myself.

Here's the deal-WE ARE ALL THE SAME! We are all made up of skin, bones, blood, brains, muscles, fat, etc. I think we all want the best for ourselves, our families. We are all the product of our upbringing. “We have to look at things from a different perspective. Just because the lens through which we view the world justifies our own feelings, it doesn’t mean it’s always right.”-unknown

  • Understand:

Start by understanding that people are human, just like you. They do things for their own reasons. And sometimes they make mistakes. But they don’t wake up with the goal to make your life more difficult.

  • Believe:

Believe in the intent of others, whether you like the person or not. Believe that they intend to do the right thing. Believe that they want to succeed.

  • Communicate:

When you find yourself in one of these scenarios, have a conversation. Before jumping to judgment, find out whether or not your feelings are justified. It could save you from unwanted drama.

  • Inspire:

Inspire those around you. Everything we do, right or wrong, could have an impact on someone else. Model the behaviors you want to see. Sometimes when we change ourselves, we start to see a change in others.

"There are so many situations today that could be avoided if people would just communicate and believe in one another. If people would just see things from more than one perspective. So start with you. You never know what impact it could have…"

I found this at

Until next time



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